Please click on link to read part-1 of this article. Warfare Through Efficient and Intense Prayer is Needed to Take Territories (Part-1) – Feast of light

- War with the enemy is expected when you want to take up territories for Christ
Revelations 12: 7-8; 7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for [b]them in heaven any longer. (NKJV)
NLT would say, and he (devil) and his angels were forced out of heaven. Absolutely amazing that the only way that the devil and his demons were forced out of heaven was following a war. It took war to completely force the enemy out of the 3rd heavens where God dwells.
-Meaning that the enemy will not just want to leave Horsham like that without a fight!
-The enemy will not want to leave your family alone without a fight
-The enemy will not want to leave your destiny alone without a fight.
-Don’t let anyone deceive you, you will face challenges when you want to take your territory in life, because the enemy know that as a child of God, if they leave you unhindered you will certainly cause havoc to their kingdom!
But bible says, the enemy did not prevail in the battle in heaven and so if the enemy did not prevail in heaven, as a child of God, the enemy is not permitted to prevail over your life and destiny but you must enforce the victory through the force of prayer, the force of faith and the force of confession of God’s word.
NLT says that the dragon and his agents “lost the battle”. So therefore the enemy is not permitted to win over your life. The enemy is not permitted to win over your finances, the enemy is not permitted to win over your health. The enemy is not permitted to win over your family. I decree over you, you will not lose in the battle of life in the name of Jesus. I decree over someone here today you will not lose in the battle of your destiny in the name of Jesus
2. Every God ordained territory acquisition is birthed and managed through prayer or in the place of prayer.
2nd Chronicles 7:14; if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (NKJV)
The healing of the Land is symbolic of taking territories. And one of the keys to take territories is the “wonders of prayer”
Therefore if the prayer intensity and level is insufficient or there is no prayer at all there can be no healing of the land. (Therefore, the programme of God for Horsham for example can only be birthed and managed through prayer)
-If there is no prayer there is no healing of your career. If there is no prayer there is no healing of your physical body.
-Make no mistake about it whether its healing of your finances, healing of your destiny, the force of prayer must be used.
-To make the agenda of God manifest in your family you will need the force of prayer
-To cause God’s agenda to manifest in the UK we will need the force of prayer. (when I think of the article that I read on why Christianity has now taken the back seat in the UK, one of the reasons they laid there is that the “baby boomers” generation in the UK who are now between ages 59 and 77 in 2023 when they were going to church did not take their children to church or teach them to love God for themselves. And hence their children who are termed “generation X” and “the millennials” now do not want to serve God or know God. This really is one of the biggest problem facing Christianity in the UK now. We will need the force of prayer to break the blanket of darkness that is stopping a new breed of generation in the UK from coming to the light of God’s gospel.
-To make the agenda of God manifest in your destiny, you will need the force of prayer
-If we are going to change seasons over our territories, we need to be earnest and fervent in prayer.
-If you are going command rain to fall in your marriage that has lacked peace, you will need in addition to showing love and care to your spouse earnest & fervent prayers
-If we are going to command rain of revival in the UK, we are going to need fervent and earnest prayers

3. There is incredible power generated in the place of prayer to take territories when our prayers are earnest and effective
In James 5:17 we are told, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months” (NLT)
-We are told Elijah prayed earnestly that there be a change in the spiritual climate controlling Israel and it was so. Some translation used the word “fervently”. That Elijah prayed fervently that the powers in the heavens that control the destiny of Israel should shift and it was so.
-The Phillips bible translation of James 5:17 says “Tremendous power is made available through a good man’s earnest prayer. “Tremendous power is released when you engage in fervent and earnest prayer
-Brethren, tremendous power to undo the padlock of wickedness over your destiny is released when your prayer is fervent
-Believers listening to me (or reading this), tremendous power is to take your territory by force is released when you engage in fervent prayers
-Believers listening to me (or reading this) tremendous power is released to break the power of sickness over your life when your prayer is fervent and effective.
-James says the effective and fervent prayers of the righteous man avails much (James 5:16b).
-Why does it avail much? When your prayers are effective, because the most effective prayers we can pray as believer is when the prayers are inspired by God’s word. Praying emotional based prayer will not work! “O Lord bless me because all my friends are getting blessed”, is not an effective prayer! Prayer of “O Lord give me a spouse or else I won’t come to church again” is not an effective prayer as it is based on emotions and not word compliant or compatible to God’s word.
The fervent or earnest prayers are passionate, sincere and deep prayers that come from the heart! You see some men they say they are praying but they are checking their text message to see if Arsenal has scored a goal, such a prayer will not avail much. Or some women they say they are praying but are busy watching Netflix while the speak in the spirit (speaking in tongues), forget it such prayers are not earnest and will not avail much.
When I hear about our father of faith, most of them have gone to be with the Lord, they understood the power that prayer produces. Some of them will say they will kneel on stones so that they won’t sleep in the place of prayer! No wonder their generation did great things and displayed so much power for they comprehended that prayer was like food needed for survival and power to do exploits in this kingdom (God’s Kingdom).
-Some Bishops in the bid of planting churches do not invest time in prayer before proceeding as there are some places in this UK, that if you say you want to start a life-giving church in that area, that church must go down or close after some years because there are controlling spirits that govern thar area. They will allow dead churches to thrive but as soon as they know it’s a life-giving church, they wage outright war against it in various forms. It will take effective and fervent prayers to dislodge them
-Just because you live in the UK physically does not mean the gates of UK in the spirit realm will open for you. So you see some people after many years in this country, yet they could not improve themselves academically and economically, not that they didn’t try but because the gates of UK refuse to open for them. It will take prayers to break those gates open so that you can possess your possession. God bless you.
Prayer: I command the gates of my country (mention the name) to open to me now by the fire of the Holy-Ghost in the name of Jesus. Let every blessing, favour, breakthrough, elevation ordained for my life in this land locate me now in the name of Jesus.
Feast of Light Global Ministry