March 9, 2025

Fasting is abstaining from pleasure for spiritual purpose. The underlying reason for any fast is to seek God, to seek His face. True fasting before God is beyond missing a meal. Fasting is not dieting. Fasting is a spiritual exercise to find God. You may be reading this article and have never fasted before, but you understand the benefits of fasting and want to fast, yet don’t know how. Consider the strategies below, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to get you started.

Strategies for Beginners to Start Fasting

Start Small and Build Up
– Begin with a partial fast, such as skipping a single meal or abstaining from certain foods. As you grow more comfortable, gradually extend the duration or intensity. Daniel’s partial fast in Daniel 10:2-3 serves as a good model for easing into the practice.

2. Prepare Spiritually and Physically
Spend time in prayer, asking God for strength, guidance, and a clear purpose for the fast. Also, ensure you’re physically prepared by avoiding rigorous fasting if you have health conditions. If you do have a health condition that may be adversely affected by fasting, please consult your medical practitioner for advice before commencing the fast. Remember, God is merciful, and if you cannot fast due to a medical condition, do not be disheartened—I have faith that God will heal you.

There are other pleasures you could fast from; for instance, you might avoid watching your favorite TV channel or using social media for a week. Begin with a plan and purpose, similar to how Jesus was led by the Spirit to fast in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-2).

3. Set a Purposeful Goal
– Determine the specific spiritual purpose behind your fast, whether seeking clarity, repentance, or interceding for others. Isaiah 58:6-7 emphasizes that true fasting aligns with God’s purpose for justice, humility, and compassion, so set a godly goal.

4. Focus on Prayer and Scripture
– Replace meal-times with prayer and Bible study to strengthen your focus on God. Fasting without prayer is just skipping meals (dieting). Meditate on Scripture related to your purpose; for instance, if fasting for wisdom, study passages on wisdom like James 1:5.

5. Journal Your Experience
– Journaling helps track your spiritual growth, thoughts, and any revelations during your fast. Writing down reflections allows you to see how God responds and sustains you during your time of seeking.

6. Break the Fast Gently
– When ending your fast, it is important to start with small portions of light food. Breaking the fast gradually prevents discomfort and signals a thoughtful conclusion to the spiritual discipline.


Biblical fasting is a call to sacrifice and connect more deeply with God. When done with a heart that seeks His will, fasting can foster spiritual growth, repentance, humility, and a clearer understanding of God’s purposes. For a believer new to fasting, beginning with a simple plan and a willing heart can be the first step to experiencing the profound impact of this sacred discipline.

God bless you in Jesus Name. Amen

Altar call: For anyone reading this article who is not saved and wants to be part of the family of God or you want to re-dedicate your life back to Jesus, please repeat this out loud. “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you. Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins. I repent of my sins. Lord Jesus come into my life and be my Lord now and forever in Jesus Name