January 18, 2025

2 Kings 6:17; Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. (NLT)

2 Kings 6:17; Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire. (NLT)

Prophet Elisha’s servant was afraid for his life and the life of his master because he saw the great army of Syria with many chariots come to arrest Elisha. But Elisha was not afraid because he had a greater backing and that gave him confidence. This confidence he had was predicated on the fact that he had his inner eyes and ears opened and could see the angelic host surrounding him in the realm of the spirit and as such he then prayed for his servants eyes to be opened, and when that happened, fear completely disappeared in the life of the young-man. If we are going to make uncommon progress in life and His Kingdom we need to pray fervently to God for the open eyes & ears.

Prayer points

  • Spend some time praising and worshiping in words & songs God till you sense His Presence filling your heart
  • God arise and overshadow me with the mantle of discernment in the name of Jesus
  • Powers blocking my ability to operate in the gift of open eyes and ears be wasted now by the fire of the Holy-Ghost in the name of Jesus
  • Sin is a blockade to the gift of open eyes & ears! Father have mercy upon me and forgive me of any sin that will hinder the Holy-Spirit from opening my inner eyes to receive deep mysteries and revelation in Jesus Name
  • I decree and declare, that I am empowered by God to see into the Spirit realm in the name of Jesus
  • Jesus says in Matthew 13:16; “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear”. Therefore, I decree my inner eyes are blessed for they see and my inner ears are blessed for they hear in the name of Jesus
  • Open my eyes that I may behold great and wonderous things in the name of Jesus
  • According to Revelations 2:17, my ears will hear and understand the prophetic agenda that the Spirit of God is saying to His church in Jesus Name
  • My ears will hear and understand what the Spirit of God is saying in the heavenly realm in the name of Jesus
  • My inner eyes and inner ears align by the power of God to receive mysteries from God in Jesus Name
  • Holy-Spirit, The Spirit of Revelation move over my life and break by fire every spiritual blockade hindering me from seeing and hearing mysteries from heaven in Jesus Name
  • Lord, let a pathway be made in my heart, and as the Holy-Spirit speaks to me give me the grace to discern with clarity and accurate perception in the name of Jesus.
  • My Father in Heaven help me to discern Your season & timing through the assistance of the Holy-Spirit in me so that I may know your mind and heart-beat in the name of Jesus
  • Father-in-Heaven give me the eyes in the spirit that I may know the things of the spirit in the name of Jesus
  • Father-in-Heaven, given me the ears in the spirit that I may hear when you are moving or about to do something in the name of Jesus Name
  • Father empower me to be like the men of Issachar, to be a man who has understanding of the times, and knows what ought to done in life & destiny in Jesus Name

God bless you

Feast of Light Prayer Ministry

“Prayer is an arrow in the spirit realm that destroys the camp of the enemy”