January 18, 2025

Exodus 14:15; And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. NKJV

It is God’s will for us to move forward in life. It is God’s will for us to make progress in life. Stagnancy and retrogression is not of God. Backwardness is not of God. They are satanic! In fact they are all related to the curse of the law in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. But Jesus has come to set us free from the curse of backwardness. Jesus has come to set us free from the curse of stagnancy (Galatians 3:13). And even if there are altars speaking retrogression into your destiny, Jesus has come to set us free. Three things you must do; 1) Be Born-Again 2) Proclaim and confess God’s word in faith. 3) Pray aggressively to demolish every system of spiritual operation bringing backwardness and stagnancy in your life.

Scripture Confession

  • Proverbs 4:18: But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. NKJV
  • Isaiah 54:2: Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. NKJV
  • Isaiah 32:15: Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, And the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, And the fruitful field is counted as a forest. NKJV

-Begin with praising and worshipping God for a while as His Spirit leads you.


  • I decree and declare I will make progress this month of March (put in the right month) and throughout the year 2024 (put in the right year), in the name of Jesus
  • Arrow of shame, Arrow of backwardness fired into my life in the dream, come out now and go back to sender, in the name of Jesus
  • Every system of demonic operation introducing stagnancy into my life, introducing stagnancy in my marriage, introducing stagnancy into my finances, I command you to expire now, in the name of Jesus
  • Every system of defeat by demonic altars, speaking defeat into my mind-set, speaking defeat into my life, be destroyed now by the power in the blood of Jesus
  • By the fire of the Holy-Ghost, my family and I will arise, and we will shine in the name of Jesus
  • By the fire of the Holy-Ghost, my family and I shall be for signs and wonders in life, and great shall be our peace, in the name of Jesus
  • Covenants of my fathers house, covenants of my mother house that has erected failure and reproach in my foundation crumble now by the power in the blood of Jesus.
  • Lord put me on Your eagles wing and fly me high to that height of glory and honour you have ordained for my life, in Jesus Name
  • Any garment of stagnancy that was forcibly put on me in the spirit realm, I tear down that evil garment with the fire of the Holy-Ghost, in Jesus Name
  • By the grace and mercies of God, I put on the garment of progress, I put on the garment of destiny speed, I put on the garment of prosperity by the power in the blood of Jesus
  • Jesus Christ became a curse for my sake, Jesus took the curse of stagnancy and backwardness for me, therefore I declare I am free from the sting of backwardness, I am free from the clutches of retrogression in the name of Jesus
  • Whether it is convenient for my enemies or not I will sing my songs of progress and dance the dance of victory in life, in Jesus Name
  • Father by your law of favour, connect me with destiny helpers You have ordained to help me make progress in life and destiny, in Jesus Name
  • I refuse to engage in sin and wickedness that will cause me to move backwards in life by the power of the Holy-spirit in Jesus name
  • I receive grace to move forward in spiritual things, in the area of my walk with God, in the area of holiness, in the area of bible study and in the area of prayer, in Jesus name
  • Thank God Almighty for answers to your prayers

Feast of Light Prayer Ministry

Prayer is the channel by which we receive divine manifestation