John 7:38; He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.

We know that the heart refers to our spirit man or innermost being. The amplified translation of the bible would say; From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water.’”
The living waters represents the Holy-Spirit. The direction of flow is out of his heart or from his innermost being. These rivers are flowing from our spirit. And the spirit of a saved person (someone who has accepted Christ Jesus) becomes The Holy of Holies where God’s Presence abide. Our Spirit man becomes God’s dwelling place.
This living water does not flow from our physical bodies or mind, because God is Spirit and He communes and fellowships with us via our spirit. (Romans 8:16; The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God). His Spirit is joined with our spirit. It is a Spirit-spirit interaction and not a Spirit-body or Spirit-mind connection.
However, the beautiful thing about our spirit interacting with the Spirit of God is that from Him in us, these rivers of living water will flow from our inner man and have effects on our mind (mental transformation according to Romans 12:2) and our physical realm.
Today let’s focus on the living waters flowing into our soul (where our mind is located)
Our minds begin to define and interpret life through His word and by the inspiration of the Holy-Ghost. By virtue of this Living water flowing into our minds, we no longer allow mindset that is determined by our experiences, emotions and opinion of others construct how we live our life in this world.
One of the activities of this living water in relation to the mind realms of a believer is to give us a superior mental construct that is influenced by the Holy-Spirit.
This is what Paul meant by saying let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). We are to have the mindset of Jesus. And one of the expressions of the Living water flowing from you spirit into your mind is to make you think like Jesus in a depraved and carnal world.
Essentially having the mindset of Jesus is having His value system as depicted in His word which has now become activated in our heart and thinking process through light from His word. When you see a believer beating up his wife for example, it clearly shows that even though he is saved in his spirit, and therefore the living water is flowing from his inner man but he has blocked the living water from affecting His mind or more likely, there is something in the subconscious or spiritual plane that is blocking the living waters from reaching his mind.
The blockade can be likened to a dam. Now a Dam is a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of water from reaching a specified place. In this case of such believers who are in the habit of being abusive of their spouse or believers that are still sleeping around for example, the dam in them is their failure to change their thought process and believe pattern to God’s Kingdom standard even though they have given their life to Christ and even speak in tongues or prophesy!
God is all powerful but is hindered when the mind of a believer has a dam. Jesus if you remember could not do many miracles in His hometown because of their unbelief. Their unbelief was a dam that restrained Jesus, the physical embodiment of “the Living Water” from doing great things in His home-town. (Mark 6:4-6)

For example someone’s dam can be a mind full of doubt and fear, resulting in ‘double-mindedness’. And a doubleminded man cannot receive anything from God. (James 1:6-7).
For other’s their dam is the sociological mindset from their background which affects the living water transforming their minds. For instance, they believe since no one in their family has risen in life and this my dear brethren for those who understand spiritual warfare is also powered by familiar spirits! (familiar spirits refers to demons that are close or familiar to a person, family, or place). Hence because of the activities of these familiar spirits without them even knowing the operations of this wicked spirits in their mind, such a believer has unconsciously come to accept that as their fate in life though they believe in Jesus and therefore accept mediocrity in life. And as long as they hold on to that sociological mentality powered by ancestral/familiar spirits and do nothing about it spiritually, the Living Water flowing out of their inner-man is hindered from elevating them in life
Many plans that God wants to do through His church are placed on hold as He waits for us to renew our minds. Until this happens, the gift within us (through the Holy Spirit) will never come to full fruit and operational potential
So how do I break this dam and allow the living water to affect my mental realm?
You are renewed in mind and transformed into the image of Christ through meditation and application of the word. Anytime you meditate and speak God’s words into your life, you are planting seeds in your inner-man & heart, the word of God enter you and becomes a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29) that breaks that “dam” and keeps breaking that “dam” in your thinking process and belief systems and begins to open up channels for the living water to flow into your mind and begin the work of divine transformation in your mind.
You can’t do it once and think that your mind is transformed enough but it has to become a daily and regular practice and you will find that your mind is also being daily transformed from glory to glory until we become more and more like Him (2 Corinthians 3:18)
While meditating and speaking God’s word help with mental transformation, yet you also have to in addition apply God’s word and His kingdom principles in the physical to reinforce the mental transformation. For example, if you are fearful of loosing your job and you confess God’s word on fear. “He has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and sound mind” and therefore I will not fear losing my job. And then you go away from that spiritual experience and begin to check your e-mails every second looking out for an e-mail from management saying you have been made redundant. Then you have destroyed you faith confession because it is not backed up with corresponding action. Bible says faith without action is dead (James 2:17). So back up your faith confession and meditation of God’s word with corresponding action in the physical realm to solidify the mental transformation. One of the things you can do in the physical ream is prayer. Prayer carries the spiritual energy of cementing the faith confession and meditation you are doing till His word becomes settled in your spirit. Pray through the verses you are standing on or meditating on.
God bless you in Jesus Name. please look for part-2 of this article.
Prayer: O Lord, I desire mental transformation by Your Spirit; so please help me to continually meditate on and pray according to your word in Jesus Name
Feast of Life Global Ministry
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