January 18, 2025

Proverbs 31:10-31 – Describes to us numerous elevated attributes of this woman, famously known as “the Proverbs 31 Woman” from wise and God-fearing to enterprising and intelligent.

What Does It Really Mean To Be A Wife Of Noble Character? Are These Standards Reachable For Women Today?

The word “noble”; “hayil” in Hebrew means having valour or strength or being courageous and strong. This is not a delicate woman but a warrior, brave and capable.

In Judges 6:12, “hayil” is the same word used to describe the Israelite judge Gideon, yet in that passage it is translated to mean “mighty” in English instead of “noble.”

The word translated as “wife” is the Hebrew word “issa” or “ishah”, which means woman, usually a wife or a woman of some importance.

The question asking – Who can find this “wife of noble character”? implies that this type of woman is rare. As well, by noting she is worth far more than rubies tell us she is extraordinarily valuable. Rubies – then, as now – are one of the most precious gemstones, mentioned throughout Scripture and even adorning the foundational walls of New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:20.

This “wife of noble character” is valuable, precious, rare, and highly desirable.

She is selfless, hardworking, compassionate, virtuous, strong, and kind superwoman — the sort of person we all should strive to emulate. The qualities of a wife of noble character are:

  • The “wife of noble character” does it all. She’s a good wife, trustworthy and helpful while providing for her husband. She is industrious and “works with eager hands” (Proverbs 31:13-14).
  • She gets up extremely early and takes care of her family (Proverbs:15)
  • She has terrific business skills (Proverbs: 16).
  • She is intelligent and strong; she has a strong mind and strong arms to help her accomplish all she sets out to do. (Proverbs: 17-18)
  • She is also kind and compassionate, charitable, for “she opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy” (Proverbs: 20).
  • She ensures there is sufficient clothing for everyone in her household, not only for her children and husband but those that works for her employs (Proverbs: 21), and she dresses well, too.
  • She is confident and dignified, and she does not worry about the future (Proverbs: 25).
  • She speaks with wisdom, not gossip or idle chatter, and she takes the time to sensibly teach those under her care. (Proverbs: 26)
  • Most importantly, she fears the Lord (Proverbs: 30).
  • All these wonderful attributes seen in the Proverbs 31 woman through the workings and help of the Holy-Spirit are also inter-linked to the nine fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5: 22-23)

For this, and for all her attributes, she is to be praised. Though these attributes are rare, we should aspire to attain them through the help and empowerment of the Holy-Spirit.

Examples Of Women In The Bible Who Aspired To Attain These Attributes Are:

  1. Ruth – She is loyal, hardworking. She chose to resettle in a foreign land with her mother-in-law, Naomi, after the death of her husband. The honourable Boaz called her “a woman of noble character” when he discovered her at his feet on the threshing floor (Ruth 3:11).
  2. Rachel, wife of Jacob (Genesis 29, 30)
  3. Hannah, the prayerful mother of Samuel (1 Samuel 1)
  4. Esther, who influenced the king and saved her people from annihilation (Esther 4:16);
  5. Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s mother (Luke 1); and
  6. Mary, the blessed virgin chosen to be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1).

These women’s virtues, compassion, purity, strength of character, wisdom, and other fine attributes made them stand out and receive special blessings from the God Almighty.

God bless you richly in Jesus Name.

(Please look out for part-2 of this article)

You are like rubies; precious and rare — and exceptionally valuable.

Prophetic decree: In the name of Jesus, I decree over my life, my challenges and circumstances do not define me. I am fearfully and wonderfully created by God. I am beautiful, precious, rare and exceptionally valuable in the name of Jesus.