February 22, 2025

Understanding “The Law of Kindness” in Proverbs 31:26 Beyond Words

Proverbs 31:26; “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.” (NKJV)

My dear wife (Edore) did an excellent write up on the law of kindness as inspired by the Holy-Spirit. Please click on the link at the end of this article to read it; I believe God will bless you mightily through it. However we both agreed that the law of kindness that God wants every believer to live by is beyond just communication alone.

While this verse certainly highlights the importance of kind speech, the principle of the “law of kindness” extends beyond just words to encompass our actions and behaviours as believers. Kindness is a comprehensive virtue that should permeate all aspects of our lives, influencing how we treat others and conduct ourselves.

The Law of Kindness in Behaviour

  1. Actions Reflecting Compassion and Love:
    • Ephesians 4:32 (NKJV): “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
      • Kindness in behaviour includes being compassionate and forgiving. This verse calls believers to mirror the kindness and forgiveness of Christ in their interactions.
  1. Serving Others Selflessly:
    • Galatians 5:13 (NKJV): “For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”
      • Genuine kindness involves serving others selflessly. This means using our freedom in Christ to love and serve those around us. Being kind forces you to be selfless. This virtue is a much-needed trait in our world today.
  1. Acts of Generosity and Help:
    • Proverbs 19:17 (NKJV): “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given.”
      • Showing kindness through generous acts, such as helping the poor and needy, is a tangible expression of our faith and compassion.

How Believers Can Apply the Law of Kindness in Behaviour

  1. Daily Acts of Kindness:
    • Look for opportunities each day to perform acts of kindness, whether it’s helping a neighbour, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear. Small acts of kindness can make a significant impact on others’ lives.
    • The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) demonstrated kindness through his actions by helping a stranger in need, despite cultural differences and potential risks. Being kind may sometimes mean you taking risk, but if it is for the advancement of God’s name and purpose in the world, then it is worth the risk.
  1. Cultivating a Heart of Compassion:
    • Colossians 3:12 (NKJV): “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;”
      • Actively work on developing a compassionate and kind heart. This involves empathy, understanding, and patience in dealing with others.
    • Jesus’ interaction with the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) shows His compassionate and non-condemning approach, providing a model for us to follow.
  1. Responding to Mistreatment with Kindness:
    • Romans 12:20-21 (NKJV): “Therefore ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
      • Responding to mistreatment with kindness and goodness, rather than retaliation, reflects the transformative power of Christ in our lives.
    • Stephen, even while being stoned, prayed for his persecutors (Acts 7:59-60), showing kindness and forgiveness in the face of extreme adversity.
  1. Encouraging and Building Others Up:
    • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NKJV): “Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.”
      • Make it a habit to encourage and build up those around you. This can be through words of affirmation, support during difficult times, or helping others recognize their strengths and potential.
    • Barnabas, known as the “son of encouragement,” supported and encouraged Paul when others were sceptical of his conversion (Acts 9:26-27). Become a “son of encouragement” or a “daughter of encouragement” to everyone in your sphere of influence. This is one definite way we can win the world for Christ with little preaching, because your display of kindness as a believer becomes the power of God to stir the hearts of people back to God

In conclusion; the “law of kindness” as described in Proverbs 31:26 encompasses both our speech and our actions. As believers, we are called to reflect Christ’s kindness in all areas of our lives. This means being compassionate, forgiving, generous, and serving others selflessly. By incorporating these behaviours into our daily lives, we not only demonstrate the transformative power of Christ within us but also provide a powerful witness to the world of God’s love and grace.

God bless you in Jesus Name. Amen

Altar call: For anyone reading this article who is not saved and wants to be part of the family of God or you want to re-dedicate your life back to Jesus, please repeat this out loud. “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you. Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins. I repent of my sins. Lord Jesus come into my life and be my Lord now and forever in Jesus Name

Prayer: Father help me to reflect Christ-like kindness to the world, that my behaviour and speech will win souls for Your Kingdom, in Jesus Name.

Feast of Light Word Ministry

Resource: “The Law of Kindness” in Proverbs 31:26 – Feast of light