February 22, 2025

Click on link to read part-1 of this article: Jesus wants to dine with you (1) – Feast of light

In Gen 39:7; and Potiphar’s wife soon began to look at him lustfully. “Come and sleep with me,” she demanded

Potiphar’s wife is a representation of the wicked activities of demons in these last days and if you are sensitive everything, they are saying to the world through every means possible is “come & sleep with me”. The demons are working overtime to seduce man, through finances, career, social media, perverse value system of the world to come and dine at his table, to come and sleep with him.

-Let’s be frank, UK has forsaken the true God that their forefather stood for and now have chosen to dine at the table of demons, just take a look at our society now, it is evident UK does not dine at the table of Jesus anymore but is sleeping with the enemy.

-At an individual level, some believers are sleeping with the devil at the altar of pornography. Other believers are sleeping with the devil at the altar of hatred & unforgiveness. Others are dining with the devil at the altar of apathy to the things of God. They go to church but they have no concern or enthusiasm for prayer. They have no enthusiasm for reading the bible or anything that can possibly make them grow spiritually.

-Don’t be deceived, that you pray in church or open the bible when your Pastor instructs you is not the true marker of your spiritual life. The true marker of your spiritual life is what you do in the closet where no one sees.

-We need to challenge by prayer any representation of Potiphar’s wife in your life that keeps you tied to the table of demons.

-You need to run away like Joseph did from anything or anyone that is capable of wrecking your spiritual destiny in Christ Jesus.

-Dear believer in Christ are you at the table of demons right now? Let the Holy Spirit bring you into true repentance so that you can receive His grace needed to say “no” to the call of the enemy to dine at his table

D. Jesus is calling you to dine with Him but do you hear & obey His voice

John 10:3a; The [a]doorkeeper opens [the gate] for this man, and the sheep hear his voice and pay attention to it

Another point that is linked the call to come & dine with Him is related to hearing his voice.

-Why is it so important to hear His voice?

1st Corinthians 14:10; There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. (KJV)

-All voices have their own purpose & significance

Exodus 4:8: God teaches us here that signs have voices

-Voices are powerful entities

– we know living things have voice but As far as the bible is concerned, even non-living things can have a voice

-Every voice has its own meaning, every voice have its own expression, every voice has its own power

-One key for outstanding success and victory in this world is to recognises they are many voices out there in the world and to know the right one to follow

-There are voices out there trying to mislead you, therefore listening & obeying the right voice is the key to uncommon breakthrough in life

-Listening to the wrong voice will ensure tragic mistakes are made. Occasionally the mistake will be so grave that it will take the mercy of God to correct them

-As a believer there is a multitude of voices bombarding our mind & heart day in, day out.

-Judas heard Satan’s voice while in the presence of Jesus, he heeded that voice & he perished

-Peter also heard the voice of the enemy and articulated what the enemy dropped in his mind to side-track the destiny of Jesus, but Jesus discerned the voice of the enemy and rebuked that satanic suggestion.

-I pray for someone here, you will not hear the wrong voice in Jesus Name. Any misleading voice assigned to anyone here, let that voice scatter in Jesus Name

-Here lies in the key question, which voice do you follow? or Which voice do you obey? Even as you are reading this article, which voice are you obeying?

-We have to pray for our children and youths, because at home they hear the voice of prayer, the voice to heed and serve God but when they go to school, they are bombarded with the voice of their peers, they hear the voice of compromise (mum is not here right now, its ok to smoke, its ok to feel like a boy even though you are a girl). Many of our Christian youths who grew up in the church have listened and heeded the wrong voice and have strayed out of the faith.

Any strange voice assigned to confuse anyone here, I command those voices to die in Jesus Name. Any devilish voice confusing the destiny of our children shall be silenced in Jesus Name

Categories of voices

  1. Voice of the Lord: it is the most important voice we need to hear. This voice speaks the mind of God.

-It can come to you as a shepherds voice (my sheep know my voice & they follow me and a stranger they will not follow). It was this voice that spoke to Peter and said I will make you a fisher of men.

-The voice of the Lord could come to you as a masters voice saying son, occupy till I come and He will give you what to occupy your life with.

-The voice of the Lord can be a teacher’s voice saying learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart.

-The voice of the Lord can come as a physicians voice; saying I want to make to make you whole, be thou made whole.

The voice of the Lord can come as a friend saying open the door let me come in and sup(eat) with you.

-The voice of the Lord can come as a saviours voice saying come unto me, whosoever will, may come.

-The voice of the Lord can also come as the voice of a bridegroom inviting you out of the pollution of this world and follow the Lord all the days of your life. I pray for someone here that you will not follow the wrong voice in Jesus.

-God is always speaking to us but it’s another thing if you are hearing.

  • Voice of the flesh: this is the voice of your carnal nature that craves for earthly satisfaction & pleasure. As a believer you must disobey this voice if you are to make heaven & receive divine breakthrough. The voice of the flesh has destroyed so many people! Bible says the flesh profited nothing but it is the Spirit that quickens. For to be carnally minded is death but to be Spirit minded is life & peace.

The voice of the flesh cannot help you, that is why Paul said I put my body under subjection. The flesh too is aways speaking. Maybe you see two people from afar talking and seemingly looking at you, then pride rises up and then you dash across to them and shout at them “why are you gossiping about me”. Or the flesh tells some of the single sisters to dress so that their breast and buttocks is exposed so in case Mr right comes to church today the man can know that they have the assets for marriage. In 2 Kings 6: 28-28, it’s the voice of the flesh that will make a woman because of famine eat her own child with a friend and be upset because the other woman refuses to release her child to be eaten.

  • The voice of the mind: this is the voice of your thought process. If your mind is not regenerated by the Holy-Spirit & the word of God, listening to it will be a disaster.
  • The voice of the lust of the eyes. Some people’s eyes stray to strange things. They have not made a covenant with their eyes not to see strange things.
  • The voice of what people think about you. And some people are more concerned about the voice of what people think about them. And if such people do not know who they are in Christ Jesus, the voice of what people think or say they are can lead them away from their divine destiny. Herod listened to the voice of people hailing him as God and that day worms eat him up!
  • The voice of laziness.  They don’t work hard
  • The voice of fear. Fear is a great destroyer. The demon of fear has used fear to paralyse the destinies of many. It torments and confuses people
  • The voice of anger. Any small thing that is done to you, that demon of anger will say lose your temper and you begin to yell and scream at people
  • The voice of deceit. The voice is calculated to deceive you
  • The voice of circumstances. They believe what their circumstances tell them and lose faith in God.
  • The voice of cares of this world: The term cares of this world or cares of this life refers to the things in this world that we become obsessed and preoccupied with at the expense of our relationship with God. The cares of this world are even things that relate to our daily life but we become so preoccupied with them that they take the place of God. They can include; -One’s pursuits such as career, education, aims, goals, and ambitions.

-Material things such as houses, cars, clothes, money, etc.

-Necessities such as food, medical care, home, clothes, etc.

-One’s responsibilities or duties such as paying medical bills, school fees, domestic bills, etc.

-Relationship matters

-Job security

-Financial security

For some it is the voice of their career that they listen to, others it is the voice of the pursuit of money to meet their obligations that they obey than the voice of God

  1. Voice of evil desire for money: the manner and way in which some people look for money is terrifying. I remember some years ago, a strange thing happened, a woman sold her virginity on-line for £500,000 to men bidding for it. I feel sorry for that woman who thought she will make easy money for she may have ignorantly exchanged her virtue to a demonic man who will use that bed of immorality to get back with interest the £500,000 he paid. Also I feel sorry for the man that paid the money to sleep with a beautiful virgin! Because she may have been a mermaid (someone from the demonic marine kingdom) assigned to finish the wealth and glory of that man!
  2. The voice of the world. The world we live in is one of confusion, iniquity & sin. Following this kind of voice will lead to destruction & terrible pain

Follow the voice of Jesus through His word and you can never go wrong. God bless you in Jesus Name. Amen

Altar call: For anyone reading this article who is not saved and wants to be part of the family of God or you want to re-dedicate your life back to Jesus, please repeat this out loud. “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you. Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins. I repent of my sins. Lord Jesus come into my life and be my Lord now and forever in Jesus Name


  • The voice of the enemy, the voice of the world, the voice of my flesh, i will not listen to, in the name of Jesus.
  • Only the voice of the Holy-Spirit will I listen to and obey, in Jesus Name.

Feast of Light Word Ministry