Text: John 7:38; He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
You may wish to click this link below on teachings related to His living water on our website such as His living waters flow into your mental realm – Feast of light

Now let us consider Revelation 21:6.
Revelation 21:6 (NKJV); And He said to me, “It[a] is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.
From this verse Rev 21:6 connecting it to John 7:37 we can see at least 3 important points as revealed to me by the Holy Spirit
1. Fountain of the water of life refers to the Holy Spirit.
In me is the Fountain of the water of life which is the Holy Spirit within my spirit.
And from this Fountain of the water of life flows rivers of living water. It is only the true water of life that can produce living water not a stagnant or dead river!
Like will give birth to like. The living will give birth to its kind. This is why when a man is loaded with activities of the flesh from within, what flows out from within is death or defilement. (Mark 7:20-23)
20 And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 22 thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”
Hence, if as a believer, what is coming from within you is fornication for example. What does this imply to the kind of river of water flowing within you?
As a believer (a born-again Christian; one who has truly given their life to Christ Jesus) under the influence of fornication as the example, you cannot be demonised for the Holy-Spirit dwells in your spirit but your heart (consist of your mind, will & emotions) is under demonic oppression of the spirit of fornication. Jesus refer to these spirits as unclean spirits (Mark 1:26). And as such the waters that flow out from such a heart under this demonic oppression cannot be living but dead, dirty, and stagnant waters. So, these dirty waters now flow into your body and compel your body (flesh) to act and to commit various sexual perversion that will surely defile you. And remember you are God’s temple for the Holy-spirit dwells in you (1 Corinthians 6:19), and so when you bring defilement of any form as listed by Jesus Christ in Mark 7:20-23 to His temple which you are, you hinder the flow of rivers of living water from flowing from within you.
This is why some believers for instance, who have been given spiritual gifts, e.g., the gift of healing through the Holy-Spirit cannot operate in it because they have filthy waters of unforgiveness still actively flowing from within them that defiles them and stop the gift of healing that is in the rivers of living waters from the Holy-Spirit in them from manifesting.
You must arise in prayer and deal with the stagnant waters flowing from within you that is stopping the expression of the rivers of living water within you (please see article on “His living waters flow into your physical reality part 2”, on some spiritual strategies on dealing with the activities of the sinful nature) (His living waters flows into my physical reality (Part-2) – Feast of light)
2. The passage in Revelations 21:6 says of this water from the Fountain of living water will be given to those that thirst. Meaning that if there is no thirst for it, you will not be given of the water even if the fountain of living water is right there.
Psalms 63:1, O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water
Jesus says in John 4:14, whoever drinks of this water will never thirst again
14But whoever drinks the water that I give him will never be thirsty again. But the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water [satisfying his thirst for God] welling up [continually flowing, bubbling within him] to eternal life. (AMP)
My Comforter says to me thirst for God, hunger for God, hunger to grow deep in intimacy and knowledge of God will activate the flow of the Fountain of the water of life within you to to send forth rivers of living water from within you that will continually be flowing and bubbling up within you.
The Good News Translation of the same verse calls the water flowing from within “a life-giving water”, which is to say when the rivers of living water flows from within you, any good thing in your life that is dead that contacts this water will come to life.
In this life-giving water bubbling up in the inside of you are good and wonderful things such as healing. For this reason, if there is any part of your physical body that is sick, when it comes in contact with this life-giving water from within you, it receives healing.
And because you have this life-giving water continually flowing within you, continually bubbling in you, you become a “life-giving vessel” in God’s hand that when you pray or lay hands on the sick they recover. In fact, because you are actively bubbling with His rivers of Living water, God uses you as His vessel to perform special miracles like he did through the hands of Paul (Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul. Acts 19:11)
Having said this, If you however have no genuine hunger to grow in God, there will be little or no flow of the living water from within you. Remember my dear brethren reading this, thirst for God, hunger for God will draw it out (Bubbling and continual flow of the rivers of living water within you). Thirst for true and sincere intimacy and relationship with God (not because you want to preach or operate in power) will draw out the living water from within you. The power will automatically come when you are intimate with God.

3. God says He will give freely to him that thirst. Revelation 21:6b, I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.
“Give feely to him” tells us that it will be given freely to him! It didn’t say He will give of the waters to pastors that thirst. It didn’t say He will give to apostles that thirst. It didn’t say He will give to those that have pastoral pedigree that thirst. Neither did it say He will give only to men that thirst. Or it didn’t say He will give only those aged 50 and above that thirst
Therefore, regardless of your gender, age, background, or lack of pastoral pedigree as long as you thirst of the waters of the Fountain of the water of life, then the rivers of living water will flow from within you. As long as you thirst for deep intimacy & knowledge with God, He will freely give you the rivers of living water to continually flow and bubble in your life.
God bless you.
Prayer: Father give the grace to thirst and hunger for deeper realms of relationship and intimacy with the Holy-Spirit in Jesus Name. O Lord, as I thirst for you, let the rivers of living water within me continue to flow and bubble without end in Jesus Name
Feast of Light Global Ministry