February 22, 2025

Commanding the Year 2025 Prayer Programme for RCCG THC East Grinstead

(5 days Prayer and Fasting Spiritual Exercise. 27th – 31st December 2024)

Day-1 (December 27, 2024)

Scripture Reading: Jonah 2

Scripture Confession: Psalms 3:3

Spend time praising and worshipping God


  1. Thank You Father, for showing my family and I mercy throughout the year 2024, in Jesus Name
  2. Give God praise for all the miracles and wonders He performed in your life and family throughout 2024, in Jesus Name
  3. O God arise and wipe away my tears in Jesus Name
  4. Holy-Spirit overshadow my life with your presence and power, in Jesus Name
  5. Negative speaking’s and wicked enchantments against my life, destiny, and health be destroyed now by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus Name
  6. Father grant me divine acceleration in life and destiny, where enemies and problems have slowed down my progress in life, in Jesus Name
  7. O Lord, let the desires and expectations of my enemies against my life, perish by fire, in Jesus Name
  8. O Lord command divine progress for RCCG THC in all areas of ministry, in Jesus Name
  9. Powers assigned to waste my destiny, powers assigned to waste my family’s destiny be disgraced today by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name
  10. Father, in your mercy perfect all that concerns my life, family, finances, health and career, in Jesus Name

Faith-Filled Confession: I will not go down in life, my family will not go down in flames but rather my family and I will expand and become great and mighty in life and in the land in Jesus Name. No weapon that is formed against me and all that concerns me will prosper in Jesus Name. I move forward by fire and by the power in the name of Jesus Christ.

Day-2 (December 28, 2024)

Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-16

Scripture Confession: Philippians 4:19

Spend time praising and worshipping God


  1. Jehovah Jireh, arise for me today and move my life from poverty to riches, move my life from lack to abundance, in Jesus Name
  2. Spirit of poverty assigned against my destiny, I bind you and cast you out of my life and family in Jesus Name
  3. As God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah: Every power that has swallowed my benefits in life, vomit them now by fire, in Jesus Name
  4. Cycle of hardship and suffering that the enemy has kept recycling in my destiny, I command you to end today by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name
  5. I receive divine wisdom and revelation to create wealth that will empower me to be a financial pillar in God’s kingdom, in Jesus Name
  6. I will not sow for a wicked stranger to reap, I refuse to plant for a wicked stranger to harvest my blessings, in Jesus Name. I destroy that demonic operation now, in Jesus Name.
  7. O God arise and increase my scope of influence, that my life may bring benefit to people and families in my nation and around the world, in Jesus Name
  8. O God arise and make RCCG THC, a place of holiness and purity before You, in Jesus Name
  9. Father help our leaders in the UK, to govern this land in righteousness, so that Your saint’s can dwell in peace, in Jesus Name
  10. Declare this with a loud voice: Poverty, Shame depart now in Jesus Name. Abundance, Honour appear now in my life, in Jesus Name

Faith Filled Confession: I know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for my sake, He became poor, that through His poverty I might be rich in the name of Jesus. I am blessed and highly favoured. Wealth and riches shall be in my household and my righteousness in Christ endures forever, in Jesus Name

Day-3 (December 29, 2024)

Scripture Reading: Exodus 14

Scripture Confession: Exodus 15:11

Spend time praising and worshipping God


  1. Father in Your Mercy, change my family’s story from mockery to honour, in Jesus mighty Name
  2. Every end of year evil assigned against me and all that concerns me, be disgraced now by the power of God, in Jesus Name
  3. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I break down the foundation and stronghold of any form of witchcraft in my family opposing God’s will in my life and family, in Jesus Name
  4. My sufficiency is from God, therefore I decree and declare that I will not beg for bread or become a slave in life. I will manifest the Glory of God in all areas of life, in Jesus Name
  5. Holy Spirit of the Living God, please give me the grace to be broken before God and to obey His word always, in Jesus Name
  6. Holy Spirit of the Living God, remove the heart of selfishness and self-centredness from me, and give me a heart that loves sacrificially and unconditionally, in Jesus Name
  7. Holy Spirit of the Living God, help my family and I to walk in purity all the days of our lives in Jesus Name
  8. Father, please help the leadership team of RCCG THC to always lead Your church in righteousness, and never in worldliness, in Jesus Name
  9. Everything that represents “the horse and the rider” that has stubbornly pursued my life and glory, be sunk in the red sea, never to rise again, in Jesus Name
  10. Father, You are my salvation, exalt my horn like that of a unicorn; anoint me with fresh oil, in Jesus Name. (Psalms 92:10 KJV)

Faith-Filled Confessions: I have been taken out of satan’s kingdom of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of Jesus Christ, in Jesus Name. As for my family and I, we shall serve the Lord, and nothing shall cause us to stumble, in Jesus Name. God’s favour surrounds me and my house-hold like a shield. Therefore, we shall possess our possession in Jesus Name

Day-4 (December 30, 2024)

Scripture Reading: Mark 4:35-41

Scripture Confession: Colossians 3:15

Prayer Arrow:

  1. Every spirit of infirmity injecting sickness and disease into my life through dreams, I destroy your operation over my life today by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name
  2. Arrow of sickness and infirmity already in my body, I command you to jump out now and locate your sender, in Jesus Name
  3. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I declare divine immunity from every evil and sickness that prevails in my environment, in Jesus Name
  4. Every power that wants to cause sorrow in my life and family before this year runs out, be completely disgrace now by the fire of God, in Jesus Name
  5. Father, command those who know me, and those who do not know me, to fight for my cause, in Jesus Name
  6. Blessings that money cannot buy, plus the blessings that money can buy locate my destiny now in Jesus Name
  7. I decree in faith, that I (mention your name) will recover all the grounds that I have lost to the enemy by the mercy and power of God, in Jesus Name
  8. Father send destiny helpers into the RCCG THC, to move Your kingdom mandate for our church forward, in Jesus Name
  9. My destiny shall know peace, my family shall know peace, my finances shall know peace, my career/job shall experience peace, in Jesus name
  10. I decree and declare that East Grinstead and the surrounding areas shall be saved, I declare that the inhabitants of East Grinstead and the inhabitants surrounding areas shall serve the Lord in Spirit and truth, in Jesus Name

Faith-Filled Confession: Whether it is convenient for my adversaries or not, I will sing my songs of victory through Christ and I will dance my dance of victory through Christ in Jesus Name. No weapon that is formed against me and my household will prosper and every strange mouth that rises up in judgement against me, are condemned now, in Jesus Name. I will shine in the year 2025, and no power will stop my shining, in Jesus Name

Day-5 (December 31, 2024)

Scripture Reading: Psalms 91

Scripture Confession: Psalms 25:2


  1. Evil clouds over my head, Evil clouds over my family, be blown away now by the powerful wind of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name
  2. Every stubborn problem that refuses to let me go, I challenge you now by the fire of God, and I command you to be roasted by the fire of God, in Jesus Name
  3. Father move my life and destiny from the place of barrenness to the place of fruitfulness and abundance in Jesus Name. (And if you are married but also believing God for the fruit of the womb: place your hand on your belly now and declare; I receive my miracle child by the power of God, in Jesus Name)
  4. Yokes of darkness, oppressions of wickedness over my progress in life, be dashed to pieces now by the power of God, in Jesus Name
  5. Every evil that has followed me in the year 2024, and is determined to follow me into 2025, you will not do that, expire now by the fire of God, in Jesus Name. (Take time to pray this particular prayer point, speak in tongues also if you can)
  6. I move from glory to greater levels of glory, I move from increase to greater levels of increase, I move from favour to uncommon favour by the grace of God, in Jesus Name
  7. My prayer life, my Word-study life, my walk with God, receive fresh fire now, in Jesus Name
  8. RCCG THC, move forward by fire, and possesses all your possession in Jesus Name
  9. Pray for Pastor James, his wife and children as God leads you.
  10. I will be a great success in 2025, failure will be very far from me, in Jesus Name
  11.  Year 2025, open your gates for me to enter, and as I enter by the power of God, I will eat and enjoy all the goodness and blessings God has packaged for me in this new year, in Jesus Name
  12. By the grace of God, I will consecrate my life wholly to God in this new year, and through illumination by His Word, I will please Him in my speech, behaviour and thoughts in Jesus Name.
  13. I decree that in the year 2025, only good news shall locate me and my household in Jesus Name. Bad new, disaster, destruction and desolation shall be far from my life and family, in Jesus Name
  14. Great doors of progress and advancement shall open for me and my loved ones in the year 2025, in Jesus Name

Faith-Filled Confessions: By the power in the blood of Jesus, good and wonderful things shall manifest for my life and family in 2025, in Jesus Name. Every satanic road-block assigned to stop my greatness in the year 2025 is destroyed now in Jesus Name. In the year 2025, my family and I shall enjoy unforgettable miracles and divine assistance, in Jesus Name. By the grace of God and power of the Holy Spirit, I will not fall into sin, error and iniquity but I will wholeheartedly embrace holiness before God, in the year 2025 in Jesus Name. As no dark power can cover the glory of the sun, therefore no power will be able to cover my glory or stop my star from shining in the year 2025, in Jesus Name

Pastor James Sambo (RCCG THC)

2 thoughts on “Commanding the Year 2025 Prayer Programme

  1. Let the awesome Glory and the Grace of God envelope Pastor James Sambo (RCCG THC) as a banner bearer of Christ, his wife and children as well as the entire church and allow unending love, protection from all adversity and boundless health and joy as we enter 2025 in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    1. Amen in Jesus Name. Thanks Unlce Ben. Happy New Year. May God bring supernatural wonders your way and in your family this year 2025, in Jesus Name

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